Since 1976


General Leasing & Financial Services

a division of WRG Financial Services Ltd.

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Why Lease?

Because it Makes Economic Sense …!

Consider the following benefits of lease financing for your next equipment acquisition:

bulletCapital Conservation
Leasing allows an additional opportunity to put valuable capital to work for corporate expansion, research, inventory purchases and other profitable uses.

100% Financing
Leasing can cover the entire cost of the equipment, including freight and installation, without down payment or compensating balance requirements.

bulletPreservation of Credit Lines
Leasing preserves existing lines of credit for previously earmarked projects, short term or seasonal needs and other financial priorities, while at the same time creating another valuable credit source.
bulletFixed rate lease payments
A predetermined rent payment schedule permits a lessee to more accurately predict its future equipment costs and cash needs. In addition, by leasing major equipment items, a lessee knows the exact amount of future payments and avoids the risk of fluctuations in the cost of funds.
bulletPayments coordinated with cash flow.
Within certain limits, payment schedules can be designed to coincide with earnings generated from the equipment use. Seasonal activity patterns or projected business growth can be taken into consideration. Because the timing of lease payments can be arranged to follow normal business cycles, leasing offers a flexibility that may not be available to a lessee with other financing methods.
Leasing is often more convenient than alternate means of financing. Documentation is usually simple and more flexible than other sources of capital, such as debt and equity.
bulletObsolescence Protection
Leasing can make in time equipment replacement easier to achieve. This can be achieved by structuring a lease term equal to an equipment's economic rather than depreciable life, eliminating ownership's natural tendency to "make do" and postpone replacement until depreciation has run its course.
bulletHedge Against Inflation
The outright purchase of equipment involves the partial recovery, through depreciation, of the original investment. Taking inflation into consideration, the recapture of this investment is accomplished with tomorrow's less valuable dollars. Leasing has the opposite effect, inflation continually decreases the net cost of the rental payments, as you are paying with tomorrow's eroded dollars.
bulletLease rental payments are made from pre-tax rather than after-tax earnings.
A lessee may be able to amortize the cost of equipment faster through tax deductible rentals than through depreciation and after-tax cash flow.
bulletOn or off balance sheet
A lease can be structured so as to be "on" or "off" balance sheet for financial accounting purposes. The choice depends on accounting objectives of the lessee, and other cost trade-offs that the lessee is willing to make to achieve such objectives.
bulletLoan covenants
Depending upon the language and intent of covenants in existing loan and note agreements, a lease may provide financing not otherwise permitted by them.
bulletOvercome Budget Limitations
Leasing can provide a prudent method of dealing with budget ceilings that preclude the acquisition of needed equipment. It is frequently possible to provide a lease to match available budgeted dollars and at the same time allow for the procurement of far more equipment than possible under other purchase plans.



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Quote of the Day

"Buy that which appreciates and lease that which depreciates"

Billionaire. J P Getty


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